Chimney Flashing Inspection
Chimney Flashing Inspection
Having your chimney properly flashed is extremely important being that chimney leaks are one of the most prevalent water leak problems found in homes today.
Properly Installed Chimney Flashing |
Properly Installed Chimney Flashing |
Properly Installed Chimney Flashing |
View common problems with chimney flashings:
This chimney has been heavily tarreddue to not being properly flashed. | This excessive amount of tar indicatespast water leaks. | This flashing was improperly installed using wood instead of metal. |
Metal step flashing is loose and shouldbe repaired. | Heavily tarred chimney flashing is verycommon but is not the proper way toinstall flashing. | Metal counter flashing was properlyinstalled, but the heavily caulkedflashing still indicates a possible leak. |
Rubber plumbing roof boot flashing is a very inexpensive product that can cause sever leaks inside the home if not properly maintained.
Rubber plumbing exhaust boot. |
Cracked rubber plumbing boot exhaustcan cause serious water leaks. |
This exhaust pipe has only beencaulked and will continue to leak water.We recommend to a new rubber bootinstalled. |