Fireplace Inspection

We recommend the following steps to inspect your fireplace and/or chimney:

  1.  Check the fireplace hearth that it is sound and has no loose brick and the mantel is secure.
  2. Check the firebox to make sure it has no cracked or damaged bricks.
  3. We recommend to have all chimney liner check and cleaned by a licensed chimney sweep.
  4. Check the damper to make sure it is operational.
  5. If you are purchasing a home with a gas fireplace, we recommend that the damper have a damper clip installed to allow gas to dissipate form the fireplace while the pilot is lit.


[tab title=”Wood Burning Fireplaces”]

Common Problems With Wood Burning Fireplaces:

fireplace hearth

Loose fireplace hearth tile


Broken chimney damper, always get down and look at the chimney fireplace damper to make sure  it operates properly and is not damaged.

fireplace fire box cleaned

Dirty fire box should be cleaned.


When moving into a new home we recommend that every home buyer have their chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional chimney sweep.


Even is a fireplace looks real clean like this one get down and open the damper and do your best to look up the flu. 

 Fireplace loose mantel

Loose fireplace mantel.


It is very difficult to see in this photo but the fire bricks have pushed in toward the fireplace,when you see something like this we recommend to call a professional chimney sweep to make all necessary repairs.


Wood Burning Stoves are great but it is very important that you have them cleaned and inspected buy a professional chimney sweep before buying the home.  Most Home Inspectors will not check wood burning stoves.


When ever you see a fireplace mantel it is important to check them too see if they are secured to the fireplace.(Safety Hazard)



[tab title=”Gas Fireplaces and Exhaust”]

Common Problems with Gas Fireplaces and Exhaust:

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We recommend that you test the gas fireplace in every home to make sure they are operating properly.  If they have not been run in a long time they can take a little time to get running.  Some of these can be very dangerous to light so be very cautious and if you don’t feel 100% safe call a professional.


This is a photo of a gas fireplace that is burning exhaust that is burning much to rich that is why it is black above the exhaust. We recommend to hire a company who specializes in gas fireplaces.





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