Prepare Your Home To Sell

You want potential buyers to walk into your home and find that it is exceptionally neat and clean.

Make it so they can see themselves living there because they see the potential of the home.  Follow the steps below to position your home for sales success:


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  1. Make sure your home is free of all your knick knacks.
  2. Remove all posters, personal photos, and other items that clutter the walls in the home, there is nothing wrong with having some hanging Art but too much closes the house in.
  3. Make sure the kitchen and bathroom counter tops are empty except for a bottle of hand cleaner or soap.
  4. Buyers will look everywhere.   Make sure everything is neat and clean; organize under the bathroom sinks, kitchen sink, food pantry, and all other closets.  The more neat and clean the home is, the better chance for you to sell your home.   This gives the buyer more of a perception of how the home was taken care of.
  5. If you have walls in the main entrance and kitchen areas that are dirty or crazy colors we recommend having them repainted in a neutral color. Remember we all have different taste.  We are not saying re paint the whole home, but the area that home owners are most comfortable in, make them look their best.
  6. Have the carpets cleaned and sanitized with a dry cleaning service to give the home a good fresh clean smell.
  7. Most people love pets but when it is time to sell your home, you want buyers to think, and this home is incredible clean and has no bad smells for having an animal.
  8. We recommend not loading up the home with this entire plug in air fresheners; it makes people wonder what the seller is hiding.  Go the old fashion route, bake something that smells good. Home buyers become very nervous when to many of these air fresheners are found.
  9. If the basement and garage are full and you are really serious about selling, we recommend rent a storage unit.  Remember the cleaner and neater the home is the better chance you have to sell your home.
  10. Make sure the outside of your home looks well maintained, bushes are trimmed, grass is cut and edged and if the house needs painting or tuching up siding and front doors.
  11. If your home is vacant we recommend to have the home staged, a home that has some nice furniture in it always looks better than if it was empty.
  12. Make sure the front of your home looks extremely clean and neat from the curb you always want your home to have the wow effect from the curb.
  13. If you want to do any painting make sure you paint with a neutral color, and always re paint the area where the new potential buyer will walk into the home first.



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