Should You Test Your Home For Radon Gas?

Radon is a cancer causing, radioactive gas that you can’t see, taste or smell.


Radon may be in your home and you don’t even know it.  Radon is estimated to cause many thousands of death each year, when you breath air containing radon gasses in it you can get lung cancer. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer today in the United States. 


For additional information on radon gas in your area we recommend the following site, also below is three of the most used radon detection equipment used by Home Inspectors.  For the cost of what you are investing in your new home radon testing is relatively inexpensive, depending on the area you live radon testing is normally between $100.00 & $150.00, we recommend that every home be tested


Testing is the only way to know if you home has high radon levels.  It typically takes years of exposure to radon gas before any problems surface and then it is too late.

radon gas mitigation





How Do I Get Radon Gas Out of My Home?


If you find high levels of radon, there a ways to reduce the concentration, you can  hire a mitigation company and have the problem mitigated for between $600.00 and $1500.00 depending on the area you live in.





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